Travel Trailer Tribulations

So, I am planning to buy a travel trailer. I was going to wait until July 2014, which is my 60th birthday. However, the van is feeling cramped and cold. I want to make hot coffee without shivering outside. I would like something more than a port-a-potty. For a long time I loved to rough…

Snow Day in Wyoming – Part Two

Well, I got cabin fever right around lunch time and decided to bundle up and take a walk around the area. I live 1.5 blocks from downtown, and if there is anything to see, that would be the hot spot. I bundled up in many layers. Last but not least I put on my gaiters,…

Critical Information on the Zombie Apocalypse

New Mexico has it’s UFOs and Green Aliens; however, the real danger is up here, with the Zombies that freely roam our vast, unpopulated state. Perhaps you are one of those people who zoom by on the way to Yellowstone or Sturgis, thinking that our landscape is barren. No, no, no. Behind those sagebrush lurk zombies and…

Snow Day in Wyoming!

We had two snow storms last week. So far this week, it’s been snowing 48 hours! Major roads, including I-25, which connects our town to Cheyenne and Casper, have been closed for nearly that long.We cannot go anywhere: no 70-mile drive to a Home Depot, Walmart, Michaels, or Red Lobster. We are a tough bunch…

Armed and Not So Dangerous

A few years ago I planned an early spring van-camping trip to the Tetons. As part of my preparation I ordered a large canister of bear pepper spray. The male grizzlies were due to come out of hibernation around the same time I was planning to leave. Bear spray, therefore, seemed a reasonable precaution. I…

5K Training – Week Two

The first part of the week was not great. We had two snow storms and I don’t like to walk or bike on snow/ice. I did a bit of indoor exercise but nothing much. I did not get even close to 10,000 steps/day on the pedometer. However, the week ended on a great note! A friend…

Singing the Grocery Store Blues

No matter how good a mood I am in when I walk in, I leave the grocery store grumpy. It is not the prices and quality of the produce that irritates this quasi-vegetarian polyvore. The insecticide-saturated potatoes and wilted, nutrition-free lettuce are passive and helpless, poor things. The piles of overripe bananas generate compassion in me. It’s…


I am single, and I live alone with my fierce dog, Tango.  See how well he protects my side on the sofa? We are together most of the time since I work in my home office or the church office next door. At night, Tango curls around my feet like a little cat, until the…