Silly Summer Stuff

Summer brings out the fun and silly spirit in everyone, regardless of age. In Wheatland, WY, we have an annual tractor pull, and a pet parade.  Seattle hosts a Power Tool Drag Race (looks like a Pinewood Derby track), Montreal has a Wiener Dog Race, Nashville has its Rubber Ducky Race and New Orleans hosts an Ostrich Race. I am guessing that across the continent, just about every species gets gussied up, strutted, and raced. Vintage cars get shined up and lined up for showing. Out here, towns lure tourists with rodeos, cowboy rendezvous, and other Old West events.


My summer favorite? The food fests. I love them all: chili cook-offs, salsa contests, bake sales, strawberry festivals, and pig roasts to name a few. Heck, I would even try the Gilroy Garlic Festival, where you can get garlic ice-cream. I have yet to visit a brew fest, but it is high on my silly summer bucket list.


More serious summer activities are concerts in the park and music festivals. Since moving from the Midwest, I have not done much of either.  I looked up the summer schedule in the town (East Lansing) where I was born just for fun and see they are having jazz festivals, concerts, and plays in the park.

But we are not bored here, and this is a big weekend. A play is running three nights down in the City Park, and the annual Chugwater Chili Cook-Off is Saturday. This is a large regional event in the tiny town of Chugwater (pop 216). Chugwater is the only town between Wheatland and Cheyenne (70 miles) and is an old west icon. Tomorrow we get to taste lots of homemade chili and browse the quilt and car shows and hear lots of music, all for 10 bucks!

I will get some photos but in the meantime, I better get to that sermon so I can enjoy some summer fun this weekend.


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