Not everyone knows that I like to follow THE Duke and Duchess. I got up in the middle of the night to watch the wedding and pre-wedding hoopla a few years ago. And I was double excited to hear about the bun in the oven. I find their fairy tale world so interesting. Why? I have no idea.
I have been absolutely certain that the royal baby will be born on July 15. Since they are 7 hours ahead of me, it is now the wee hours of July 15th. That leaves only 10 more hours for her to pop this little bundle and I don’t see any rumors about the Duchess being in labor. Its time for her to get down to business, or for her doctors to induce.
Why? July 15th is my birthday. And, I was nice enough to forgo birthday cake 27 years ago and have my son on my birthday. So, in my world it follows that the Duchess should have her baby on my birthday as well. Do you see the logic? A royal baby born on my birthday!
I don’t think God would like me to pray for her stinkin water to break so I am just sitting here waiting for some news and counting down the hours. I don’t think I will wake up in the middle of the night for this one though. Babies are too unpredictable.
By the way, I am pulling for a girl named Alexandra Diana. If it’s a boy, I predict Philip Michael. And after it is all over, the Queen can retire, thank you very much.
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