August is gone again. I am not ready for the garden to fade away; I got started late so am just now getting into the swing of things. Yet, September has its own blessings for those of us who live in the Rocky Mountains:

Colorado Fall Foliage Aspen Landscape (Photo credit: Striking Photography by Bo Insogna)
- Sunday afternoon drives to see the Aspens
- Migrating birds
- Cool nights
- Crisp mornings
- Winter squash ripen on the vine
- Mums are blooming
- Time to plant daffodil bulbs
- Small town high school football
- Stack firewood
- Electric blanket set on low
- Planning winter projects (painting inside house, sewing, crochet)
September Historical Events:

Perry Mason (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
- In what would become a major change in the marriage ceremony, the House of Bishops of the United States Protestant Episcopal Church voted 36-27 to delete the word obey from the marriage service, 1922
- Yellow Fever cases reached epidemic proportions in Brunswick, Georgia, 1893
- Singer James Marshall “Jimi” Hendrix died in London at the age of 27 from the overdose of barbiturates and alcohol, 1970
- “Perry Mason” premiered on CBS-TV, 1957
I am trying to plan my camping outings for September. It is always tricky trying to guess the peak time for viewing golden Aspens. Another factor to consider: National Forest Service and National Park camp grounds up in the mountains start closing in September. In the Bighorns, September 17 is the closure date.Rocky Mountain National Park campgrounds close September 28. This is one of the best months to hit National Parks since kids are back in school. I should be able to get out my “weekends” of the 9th and 23rd. More adventures coming right up!

A photograph taken of a tundra landscape high in the Rocky Mountains National Park. Français : Paysage de toundra d’altitude dans le parc national des Montagnes Rocheuses. Nederlands: Een toendralandschap in de bergen van het Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, Verenigde Staten van Amerika. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
May your September be filled with blessings and perhaps a few flakes of snow!
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