I have loved words since I was a wee child. My Dad, a journalist, and Mom, an English teacher, surely had much to do with that! I was allowed to dress as I pleased, eat whatever, listen to music late into the night,and read under a tree all day, but should I misuse a word, conjugate a verb poorly, or rely on pompass language: trouble!
These days I hone my vocabulary using online resources. Dictionary.com sends me a “word-a-day” email, and some of the words are little gems hidden on the huge vocabulary mountain. Consider these:
- diaphanous: filmy
- elixir: a good potion
- fetching: pretty
- imbue: infuse or instill
Other words are just silly and their use would confuse a reader. Consider these :
- snollygoster: a clever, unscrupulous person
- obsequya: funeral rite or ceremony
- titup to move, especially to walk, in an exaggerated prancing or bouncing way, as a spirited horse
- hoosgow: a jail
- monad: a single unit or entity
- pilose: covered with hair, especially soft hair; furry
- instrauation: renewal; restoration; renovation; repair
- loblolly: thick gruel
Identifying awful words is as much fun as learning good words, and if you want to jump into the fray, check out www.pompousasswords.com. I hope you get a good laugh there, as for me, it is time now to pet my pilose little doggy, prepare my morning loblolly, and plan the next obsequya.
And with that, I bid you adieu and wish you a jubilant day!

Cover via Amazon
Related articles
- Obsolete words: better off without them? (thebrightoldoak.wordpress.com)
- 13 Famous People Whose Vocabulary is Worse Than Yours (osu.uloop.com)
- Start At Home- Enhance your Child’s Vocabulary (startathomeblog.wordpress.com)
Awesome links, thanks!
I think these are great words. I probably won’t use them in speaking but I love looking at them.
indeed! esp snollygoster