I wish I had something to write about other than the weather. However, since I would rather be outdoors at any given moment, the weather is big news for Tango and me. BIG NEWS. I have seen the following sustained period of frigid weather only a few times and always in the deep of winter, after the solstice. Here is what I am talking about:
Tue Dec 3 30° Low; 7° AM Snow Showers, CHANCE OF SNOW: 50%
Wed Dec 4 10° Low: -10° Snow Shower CHANCE OF SNOW: 50%
Thu Dec 5 6° Low -6° CHANCE OF SNOW: 10%
Fri Dec 6 11° Low -2° CHANCE OF SNOW: 10%
Sat Dec 7 14° Low: 2° CHANCE OF SNOW: 20%
Sun Dec 8 19° Low: 4° CHANCE OF SNOW: 30%
Mon Dec 9 22° Low 7° CHANCE OF SNOW: 10%
What the heck? Minus 10 degrees? Is Canada simply sliding onto Wyoming as the Polar ice caps melt? This is cold, cold, cold, even for us. So, I send out an appeal to my Arizona and California friends: send warm thoughts and please get the guest room ready in case I need to thaw out. If this keeps up I may be heading your way soon.

Ice Crystals (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ice crystal, electron microscope, photo credit Wikipedia