I decide to avoid writing today about weather. This cold front is covering the entire country, so everyone is in a pickle..Even people in Arizona are suffering through a frigid 50 degrees. But more important, thinking about homeless people across the country makes me less self-absorbed. Besides, who wants to hear how I could not sleep because I imagined the heater breaking down and then me freezing to death in 5 minutes while I tried to build a fire. Dogs are living outdoors under tarps and cardboard boxes, so the fact that my spoiled dog won’t put a paw outside the door seems trivial. And then I realize that other people in my little town–who grew up here–are carrying on without whining. No weather obsessions today. I am going to “cowgirl” up and get about my business,which is a good thing because a minister’s to-do list is rather long at the moment.

I put Tango out the side door on a leash, then close the door while I hold onto the leash inside. He won’t have anything to do with outside.
I decide to write instead about Christmas trees, the topic of my sermon (will post next week at ReverendJane.wordpress.com). Like I do every year, I wrestle with the cultural practices and symbols of Christmas, especailly Christmas trees. However, this year I come to terms with decorated trees. Eureka! Epiphany.
After this moment of clarity and a good start to the sermon, I decide to decorate my outdoor greenery for the birds. I am not quite finished but here are a few hints: