This morning, Tango and I visited our favorite spot for a hike–Grayrocks Reservoir. Our corner of the world is greening up finally, even though the photos below do not look green compared to lush landscapes.
We saw some interesting sights. First, I found bird prints nearly as big as my size 9 foot. I do not know what bird around here has those big feet. The prints are not fresh, but hardened into the mud. Maybe something big stopped by earlier in the migration season.

Zombie Bird Prints
Next, I saw mounds formed out of tumble weeds. They look like someone built them, but I think that the snow that fell this winter on top of the tumble weeds flattened and shaped them. Some little critter bore into them and found a nice shelter.


More Mounds
I also looked for dens in the ground or along banks. I saw these–no idea who lives in them and I would rather not know.
I have walked out here for years. Always, small birds dart up from the brush when I walk. They are too small to identify by sight. So, today I decided to zoom in and photograph the birds so I can learn about my little friends.I spent about an hour trying to figure out what it is…..looks like several birds in the books. However, the dark smudge on the breast makes it a tree sparrow. The behavior fits as well, especially the ground-dwelling habitat and perching behavior.

Same bird????
Horrid Selfie. I am a windblown mess!
And now for the good news!!!! I talked to the RV folks and my popup camper, Half Moon, is ready. I wanted to jump through the phone and hug the guy. Sigh. So, I pick it up Monday in Loveland, then return to Wyoming for a two-night camping jaunt. Finally. Of course the weather has not really been conducive to camping so I lucked out the last month while it was in the shop. I plan to give the solar system a trial run. Will have lots of news and photos.