Finally time to get away! I have avoided the east side of Glendo State Park because I heard that it was awful and full of loud party people. Sandy Beach camp sites are mostly awful since they are too close together. But lots more camping sites exist beyond Sandy Beach. In fact, I am staying in one of the nicest spots ever and only a few people are out here. The ranger told me I should have the place to myself for a few days.

Up on a small bluff, about 50 feet from water

My beach

HIgh water!
Earlier I walked along the North Platte below the dam. It is a beautiful wetland, full of birds. There I saw a magnificent Ferruginous Hawk, who was circling with vultures. I almost missed him. I was not fast enough to get a photo but this is exactly what he looked like, up high! This is one huge bird.

Ferruginous Hawk

Red-Winged Blackbird at trail head

Viewing platform along North Platte

Small side channel, viewed from platform
A lovely male American Finch posed for me as I walked back.
Other birds in the general area: Blue Heron, King Bird, Night Hawk, Lark Sparrow, Cliff Swallows
The snow and rain the past winter/spring has turned the world up here GREEN.I hear people say they never saw anything like this.The pictures don’t convey how emerald-green the terrain is now, but they give some idea.
I took a drive this evening and saw lots of wildlife and birds:

Deer at campsite

Pronghorn (antelope)


Small herd of Pronghorn in a hay meadow
When I got back to the campsite, I found this crazy bird and started a nice campfire. Still sitting out here in the pitch black night, staring up at the moon..

What the…..?
The solar system is working great! I charged my Kindle and my computer.The following photos show how I moved the solar panel as the sun moved: I started out with the panel on the other side of Half Moon, then moved it to the picnic table–a great support. During the brief thunderstorm, I moved the solar panel under the camper slide out

Midday placement

Moved again to catch the evening sun
I have Internet here, too. This place is already a favorite.Tango is asleep on my bed and I am going to head in soon. Beautiful and peaceful evening. All is well after a slow start to camping season.