Camping Attire

By noon Sunday, most of the weekend campers left. By dinnertime, a whole new set moved in, including an interesting young couple. They are cute as pie and have a little pickup truck and a tent. Reminds me of my early camping days, say 40 years ago!

The young woman has an interesting wardrobe for camping, however. They have walked around the campsites several times. Each time I blink three or four times to be certain I am not hallucinating. She is dressed in tap pants and cowboy boots. I think they are tap pants–they look like something I had for my Barbie as part of a majorette outfit (they went under the short skirt).

So, I got to thinking about my boring camping attire–cotton shorts, yoga pants, flip-flops, wide-brimmed hats. Craziness. Predictable. Old Lady-ish. I did some online window shopping and came up with much more appropriate attire. What do you think about my nature-themed wardrobe wish list?

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New Hats:

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New Shoes

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New Purses:

