Home for One Night

My last morning in Ten Sleep,and  I removed from Half Moon all the perishable stuff, laundry, bedding, and anything else that needed washing. I piled it all in the van and drove the 300-ish miles home! The drive up Ten Sleep Canyon and over Powder River pass is stunning. If you are ever in the area, or are looking for quite an adventure, HWY 16 between Ten Sleep and Buffalo, WY is one of the prettiest drives ever.


At home now, everything is off-loaded into my kitchen and the washer is whirling away.

Thursday I start my three-day stint at the state fair, signing books. I was going to drive back and forth (120 miles RT each day) because Tango cannot get into the fair. Then I talked to the doggie sitter and she has room for him for the next three days. So, I will camp at the City park in Douglas, right near the fair. However, I am only taking the van this time since the park is small. The park is on the N. Platte river so I am taking an inner tube as well. The day time highs will be in the 90s.

Next photos and post from the home of the Wyoming State Fair in Douglas!

Thanks for following my journey. I feel weird being home. I have the TV on, Tango is at my feet and it feels like I never left. Onward to the next chapter of the trip.
