Amazon has the best new program: Kindle Unlimited. For 5.99 a month you can read unlimited books (that are available in the program), up to ten at a time! I greedily downloaded 10 books immediately and was stunned to find Rick Bass’ new book available on the program. Also, many of the Best Writing
books, which I love, are on the program. At the Kindle Unlimited link above you will see that you can do Amazon searches for only books on that program. Hot dog!
This is awesome if you are a piggy reader like me. I was spending $60-70 per month on Kindle books (many of those for work). I will still buy a few books each month that are not part of Kindle Unlimited, but nothing like before!
BTW- This is not the same as the Kindle Lending Library for Amazon Prime members. In that program you can download one book at a time, again if they are participating in the program. That is like the Amazon Prime Video program.