Weird Words

Yesterday I checked out a lake/campground/park that is only 10 miles from town. It is lovely. I picked my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice spots. Tango and I walked and enjoyed some fresh air. As usual during the week, we encountered only a few fishermen.

aWhile I am wandering and wondering, I have also been catching up on my Word of the Day emails from Here are the winners in the most unusual category:

anatine – adjective

1. resembling a duck. 2. of or pertaining to the family Anatidae, comprising the swans, geese, and ducks.

crapehanger – noun

1. a person who sees the gloomy side of things; pessimist. Also, crepehanger.

chthonian – adjective (the ch is silent)

1. Classical Mythology. of or pertaining to the deities, spirits, and other beings dwelling under the earth.

pavonine – adjective

1. of or like a peacock. 2. resembling the feathers of a peacock, as in coloring.

aglet – noun

1. a metal tag or sheath at the end of a lace used for tying, as of a shoelace. 2. (in the 16th and 17th centuries) an ornament at the end of a point or other ribbon used to secure a garment.


A few sentences:

The anatine pregnant woman waddled to the chair, flopped down, and barely grasped the aglet. With difficulty, she managed to tie the laces.

We were introduced to his pavonine brother who spouted his love of all things chthonian.

The gloomy weather and economic downturn turned everyone into a crapehanger.
