Holy Week

Holy Week was busy in my new church and community. I had six services (Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday at the Nursing Home, Maundy Thursday at church, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise and Easter). That is a new record for me, so I started working on the services a few weeks earlier. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but slow and steady wins the race!

Maundy Thursday at Nursing Home

2015-04-02 14.16.44







2015-04-02 14.00.08







2015-04-02 14.00.29







Easter lilies arrived all week at church

2015-04-03 08.17.22







We now use a large screen and Powerpoint:

2015-04-03 08.15.13







Bell choir practicing for Good Friday service

2015-04-03 08.15.26







Peaceful sanctuary and the organist practicing

2015-04-03 08.17.04








I did not get photos of Easter Day, darn it. Just too much other stuff to do. The kids were wonderful and our teens did a skit. They actually like doing that, which is a treat.

Onward now to planning summer activities, including a Habitat for Humanity Mission trip.

Onward to the great outdoors in ND. I am so blessed to live in this area, and I discover new things everyday.