The Call to Adventure

The words Queen Bee conjure in my brain a single-minded bee, buzzing around more sedate bees, going here and there, owning the hive. That’s me. I buzz around endlessly, exploring, hiking, camping, paddling, bird-watching. The hive that I own is the mosaic of ecosystems called North America. The honey I seek is simply knowing, seeing,…

Next Up: Watering Two Gardens

I don’t expect to have such an exciting date for awhile (see Two Senior Citizens and a Dog on the James River) In fact, we won’t have any kind of date for at least a week. Don loves my van, Flying Cloud, as much as I do. He hitched up a trailer, loaded  his motorcycle,…

Favorite New Word

Sometimes I find a word that I love, typically creative, silly sounding words. Today’s Word of the Day email presented me with a new favorite: Stinkaroo (noun)   Slang. something markedly inferior in quality: a stinkaroo of a motion picture. Origin: Stinkaroo arose in the 1930s from the word stink combined with -eroo, a suffix that creates…

On the James River – Part Two

June 23, 10:30 AM – We left the van back at the take-out site in LaMoure, ND. We are now at the little campground where we will park the truck and put in the boat. We are tromping around along the shoreline looking for a good place: not too steep or slippery since we don’t…

Further Adventures in the Turtle Mountains

Our adventures were low key this time. I confess that I slept a great deal on the Turtle Mountain trip. I was exhausted and the weather was perfect for sleeping. I zonked out for 8-9 hours every night – despite screaming Loons — and took long naps too. No matter, with the skies light until nearly…

Poo Fungus, Rusty Water, and Ample Shoes

  I like camping in the Turtle Mountains. Seriously.  However, there is some weird stuff around here. The first weirdness presents itself as I hook up Half Moon to the electric box at my campsite.I splurge on electricity because I do not expect enough open sky to run the solar panel. As I reached over to…