I pack up Half Moon and Flying Cloud and set out for home by 11 AM. Tango jumps in and we head down the Turtle Mountains (plateau), towards the south. Our ultimate goal is to be home by nightfall, but I plan a long layover at Arrowwood NWR. This area, north of Jamestown, ND, is a well known bird sanctuary-in fact a large birding festival and tour starts in a few days.

Visitor Center
As I approach from the prairie, the road dips down into narrow a river plain. The James River widens here and makes a perfect NWR. I feel like I enter a new realm, one with oak woodlands, lush growth, small canyons, rolling hills, and assorted riparian habitats. I see native prairie grasses for the first time. I am again amazed by the richness and diversity of the habitat, in this case all the life along a river flood plain.
I head first to the visitor center to pick up maps. I notice on the map that the NWR also features a 9 mile walk along the river–next time! Today I am planning on driving the self-guided auto tour. Lots of new birds for me, including the Yellow Warbler, Bobolink, and Lark Sparrow.

Lark Sparrow

Eastern Kingbird on the right

Tree Swallow



Lark Sparrow

Eastern Kingbird
Before I leave the visitor center, though, I see an iconic birder. I tend to be a solitary birder so rarely see the pros. I secretly photographed this gal as she poured over a map near her car. She has a hat, gloves, camo gaiters, boots, everything.

Part of the Auto Tour
This is my third NWR in North Dakota, and I will visit many more. They are beautifully maintained and offer great access for hiking and wildlife watching. I am blessed because North Dakota has more NWRs than any other state. So much to see!
Finally, home! When I left my garden was barely going. When I returned, everything had germinated and poked through the soil. My cabbage and potatoes doubled in size. The warm weather crops (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) are struggling, but hanging in there. We have not had a night temp above 55 degrees yet. More news coming on the new garden.
Thanks for Following my trip!