A crisp wind blows in from the northwest, and the few deciduous trees around my camper slowly lose their still-green leaves. As Tango and I walk, my boots make a crunching sound. Already, snow falls in Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain National Park, Glacier National Park, and other northern-tier mountains. Bears move about rapidly, searching for 25,000 calories per day, which will help them survive the advancing brutal-cold nights. Birds migrate en masse.
Days here are still sunny and crisp, in the 60s. Nights hover in the 40s but next week, drop into the mid-30s. Most leaves will be down, and my shaded retreat will open to the winter sky. I can stay cozy-warm in my camper at those temps but worry sets in with the chill air. Will the mountains passes be safe? Can I get through? I have a long drive to New Mexico, through the Rocky Mountain West, and something stirs in me as I watch the birds hop into those northern winds and head south. In 12 days, I will join them in the annual trek.
Although my plans are somewhat elastic, this winter, I plan to stay in New Mexico (except for a quick Thanksgiving week trip to Ohio to visit and pick up mom’s car). Since May I will have logged 8,500 long distance miles. Compared to commuting miles that may not sound like much, but in 1500 mile and 1800 mile increments, that is a great deal of travel in a short time. My goal this winter is to explore the NM State Parks and other local spots as much as I can. My new home state is full of history, including preserved Native American pueblos and rock paintings. I will also spend some time at Bosque del Apache, a famous site along the Rio Grande River with wintering Sandhill Cranes.

Sandhill cranes in flight, silhouetted against a richly colored evening sky.
Despite the winter migration urge, I will miss my new grandson and his parents. Twelve more days of grandbaby bliss before I head out.
I’m always so impressed with the number of miles you have covered! Stay safe, and keep enjoying your journey! I’ll look forward to reading more of your adventure!
As always, thanks for stopping by.