Travel Mojo Holds Despite Setbacks

  I was thankful that I waited before heading further north. This time the road to Omak was lovely, and the numerous apple orchards all in bloom. A wildflower in the daisy family grew in clumps on the hillsides. Of course, within a few days I would be back to early spring and possibly snow…

Goodbye to Grand Coulee Friends

Sometimes I like to travel for days on end, enjoying the visual feast provided by new places. Other times I enjoy digging in and exploring as I have been doing in the Grand Coulee Dam area while I wait for warmer weather up north. The only problem with staying 12 days is that attachments form…

What’s Cooking at the Campsite?

While tent camping and cooking on a one-burner stove, I keep thing simple. Today is a classic: cereal and almond milk for breakfast and peanut butter on whole wheat bread for lunch. Later it will be my camping dinner classic: baby red potatoes boiled with diced celery then mixed with chopped walnuts and blue cheese…

Breaking My Internet Addiction

As I prepare to cross into BC by car and then float into Alaska by ferry I wonder, yet again, if I can really live with limited access to the Internet. Like most of us, I am an information highway addict. In my own way. I don’t stream much of anything, however, I do a…

Cleaning Day

A house of any size requires cleaning and maintenance, even my tiny RV. However, I did not leave it behind on this trip to get away from household chores. My current house, a large tent, also requires my time. Besides cleaning, bedding needs airing out and holes need repairing. Today turned into a cleaning day,…

Packing for Alaska: Clothes

I have never scrimped on clothes when traveling. Ask my son who ribbed me forever about overpacking. For this trip, however, I needed to think carefully about what to take since the Honda Civic is so small, especially compared to my van, which has a clothes rack across the back. Other challenges that affected my…

Summary: Week 3

Is it possible that I have been on the road this long?! Indeed. The theme this week has been hunkering down in the face of nasty weather – rain, then cold, then cold and windy. Yet, all is oddly quiet and peaceful for me and Tango. Here are this week’s award winners: Best gadget: Mr.…

Ohhh, Omak

Yesterday I drove to Omak, WA, which is about 60 miles north of me, near the Canadian border. As I drove around the last mountainous curve I was a bit awe-struck by the little town in the wide river valley that is surrounded by soaring mountains. Omak is definately a “movie’set” kind of place in…

My Time with a Twist

Our morning routine is the same wherever we are. Tango energetically leaps from bed while I stumble out. I toss a handful of dog food in his bowl then make coffee. I dig around for shoes and a jacket, pour a cup of hot coffee. Then we are ready to go for a walk. In…

Let’s Talk Travel Budget

Today is payday so it is time to figure out my budget for the next 30 days. After two weeks I have some idea of what is realistic for me, especially for food and restaurants. I decided that I really love eating breakfast out every few days. Besides the hot food and good coffee, I…