Amy Klobuchar! Yesterday she was subjected to Kavanaugh’s wrath on public television. It was so disgusting and unprofessoinal that Kav even apologized to her after the break. And, we got to see her strength and grace in the process.
Thank you Kav! I had never heard of Klobuchar before that moment but I was intrigued by what I saw. I did some online reading, including Wikipedia, and WOW. What a find. Klobuchar has been named as one of the top 10 women most likely to become the first female president. Some other facts:
- In October 2017 Klobuchar was listed in the Top 10 list of senators with the highest approval rating!
- In late 2016, Klobuchar was noted to have passed more legislation than any other senator!
- NRA gives her an “F” because of her stance on gun control (an F by them is an A+ for me)
- She has been an ardent supporter of outdoor recreation, including recreation trails!
Her qualifications list goes on and on and shows that Klobuchar is effective, hard-working, and well-respected. I have not been impressed by some of the other potential Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election (Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Elizabeth Warren), but if Klobuchar steps up, I am IN! She is being interviewed by the news shows today because of that interchange and I can’t get enough of her. The only problem is she has been quoted as saying she is not interested in the 2020 election. Maybe she will change her mind?

Klobuchar and the other women senators while Hillary was a Senator. It had to be around 2006 when Klobuchar was elected.
As for the rekindled light I mention in the title, the first episode of the Murphy Brown reboot was fantastic. I am so happy it debuted on the night of the Judicial hearing. In the first scene, which takes place in the context of the Pussyhat protests, Murphy was wearing a t-shirt that said “Original Nasty Woman”. In another scene, Murphy portrays the shock and horror so many of us felt after the 2016 election. Later in the show, Hillary Clinton made an appearance. “Donald Trump” tweets during her news broadcast and calls her Old Murphy. Everything in the show was genius. I am all in for Murphy Brown as well.
And, even though Kav and the Republican members of the Judiciary Committee’s chest beating and yelling during the hearing were barbaric and a scary snapshot of our leadership, Klobuchar and Murphy give me hope for the first time since Nov 2016.