Traits of Adult Children of Alcholics

The organization, Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) has been around for several decades now. I heard about them when the organization gathered momentum, maybe 25 years ago. I never got involved; I guess I was not ready back then. One of the most shocking things a new person on the ACA journey discovers is the Laundry…


  Vulnerable, Merriam Webster adjective 1: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded 2: open to attack or damage : Assailable, vulnerable to criticism Synonyms: defenseless, exposed, helpless, susceptible, undefended, unguarded Opposites: guarded, invulnerable, protected, resistant, shielded  Researcher Brene Brown and her talk called the “Power of Vulnerability” has helped me feel okay about the vulnerability…


I sometimes feel too vulnerable around being so transparent on my blog. But, I have to write about this journey! Writing is what I do to make sense of the world. It is an internal force that pushes relentlessly, and there is no trying to hold back that inner need to write. Publically? Maybe it is…

Late Autumn and Voting in Washington

Eastern Washington is sunny throughout the early and mid-fall, and the landscape is washed in a beautiful orange. In later Autumn – right now – most of the leaves have fallen but the larch trees are turning gold. They are the only pine tree that changes color and drops its needles. I saw Larch (also called Tamarisk)…

What a Week

In 7 days I have gone from feeling ashamed because of what I am learning in AL-Anon and ACA to writing about it non-stop. I have not outlined any of the posts or given them much advance thought. The stuff is just flowing, and I am pleased with the body of work I created this…

Shit-Colored Glasses

  Shit-colored glasses, Free Dictionary, Jane’s Dictionary Dark brown glasses, worn by people who are overly depressed and pessimistic about everything. We could say they see the world through shit-colored glasses instead of rose-colored glasses. Yesterday in my story, I jumped from wearing rose-colored glasses to reality glasses, at least in terms of the men in…

Rose-Colored Glasses

Through rose-colored glasses, Free Dictionary With an unduly cheerful, optimistic, or favorable view of things: see the world through rose-colored glasses. I wrote yesterday about being the one who always points out the problem. I was Linus onstage in the empty auditorium at the Charlie Brown Christmas school play crying out, Doesn’t anybody care? It is a…

Family Roles

   The article, “Families First-Keys to Successful Family Functioning: Family Roles” explains roles in a healthy family system.  “Family roles are the recurrent patterns of behavior by which individuals fulfill family functions and needs (Epstein, N. B. Bishop, D., Ryan, C., Miller, & Keitner, G. (1993) Individual members of families occupy certain roles such as…

Happy Loner

From Urban Dictionary, the definition of Loner: Someone who keeps to themselves, doesn’t like conflict, but could kick ass if needed. Someone that no one really knows except a rare few. Social when needed and usually very talkative. A person who’s been backstabbed way too many times. Staying away so no one will get mad…

The Merry-Go-Round of Dysfunction

mer·ry-go-round [ˈmerē ɡō ˌround] NOUN a revolving machine with model horses or other animals on which people ride for amusement. synonyms: carousel · roundabout · whirligig a large revolving device in a playground, for children to ride on. a continuous cycle of activities or events, especially when perceived as having no purpose or producing no…