Maersk is the worlds largest shipping container company. As a big player in the global shipping machine, it is, therefore, a major source of global pollution. So, it is big news when they made a statement about reducing their carbon emissions. At this point, it is all wishful thinking, because it depends on developing new shipping technologies. At least they are thinking ahead. Uh, their future as a company depends on it, as does our planet.
Because of their concern, Maersk has provisional status in my Climate Hall of Fame.
Although I am happy to hear that Maersk executives are concerned, I do remain skeptical. With the renewed public interest in “green” and sustainable technologies a decade ago, many companies stated that they were going to make big changes in terms of resource use and pollution. That was mostly a sham, although most consumers believed them. You can read about that here.
Let’s hope that Maersk means business! If one or two of the global giants steps up, it is a good thing! And, remember that we are not permanent slaves to the consumerism machine. We can make a difference. The economic law of supply and demand tells us that if we reduce our demand, we can stop the supply.

Tape this photo to your credit card, to remind you that all the Christmas junk on display right now came here on a giant container ship that emits huge amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and contributes to global climate change.

Exercise control through buying power: say no and stop the demand!
Back in the day I sat on the Shipping Committee of the body that represents the UK motor industry and Maersk Line gave us a very decent lunch at their London HQ. As I recall it the lunch was far more generous than the shipping rates they were prepared to give us but you can’t win them all.
Wow, how interesting. They seem to understand the cheerful effects of a good lunch!