As we drive back from my birthday trip to Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Don asks what I will share in the blog. The trip was calm, the scenery beautiful and the weather perfect. The picnic lunch was yummy (especially the salmon sliders and rhubarb crisp). He is worried that the day is boring-in terms of a blog post-compared to the great river run of 2015. We need a flat tire, a moment stuck in the mud, a tornado so that our readers will be entertained.Maybe we could set off the personal locator beacon and see who responds?!
Our readers? Not long ago he took off in my van down to the Black Hills. Before that, while settled on the sofa watching a movie, I noticed that Tango edged his paw off my leg and onto Don’s. When we drove in Don’s pickup, which has a bench seat, Tango’s head rested on Don’s lap. His garden is coming in now and I heard that I need to blanch and freeze our broccoli. The our transition. Hmmmph.
Ignoring the reference to our, at least for now, I tell Don that an uneventful story can be interesting. Drama and the unexpected do make a better story, but unless I want to become a fiction writer, I must stick to the truth, even when the day is perfect. I ask, how about I just share a bunch of ou, ou, our photos?

Driving towards Chase Lake, road floods out ahead

At the Chase Lake NWR headquarters, we talk to the ranger, learn a better route to the lake, and take the auto tour loop through native prairie. The tour has many interpretive signs.

Native prairie…almost none left in US

Using the ranger’s directions, we finally find Chase Lake



Wildflowers and my dog

Oh yeah, this is a White Pelican sanctuary. There they are! We also see lots of Great White Egrets
We take a little hike, set up chairs and make coffee in the van. The skies clear a bit and we just sit back and enjoy.
Is Tango sticking out his tongue at me, just a little, as Don scratches his back?

If you enlarge the photo by clicking on it you can see his nasty little tongue, as if saying <em>naaah naaaah</em>
