My work in ND is finished, and I like the idea of staying in the Spokane area while I await the next interim call. I wasn’t sure when I left ND if I would hang around here, but I’m loving it. I am reintegrating into city life while living so close to the great outdoors. Spokane/Northern Idaho/NW Montana are “best of both worlds” places.
I am feeling the pull of retirement and the full-time RV lifestyle but that is still a few years down the road. Of course, this urge is growing exponentially since I traded in Half-Moon on a bigger camper!
Introducing BLUE MOON:
I fell in love with the large picture window, electric awning, indoor/outdoor speakers

Queen Bed! Lots of storage
The urge to live the retirement lifestyle is also growing because I finally took the leap and got rid of everything that does not fit in my camper or van! Seriously. Unwilling to move stuff yet again, I called in the consignment stores and gave everything else away to friends. All I kept: clothes, sewing machine, fabric, bedding, bicycle, outdoor gear, camper stuff, camping chairs, and a few appliances (dehydrator and Kitchen-Aid). I boxed up a few books, but they might go too since I have so many on Kindle. I delivered to Kerry all his baby stuff/keepsakes. Free…free….free at last. All I buy is food, good healthy food in amazing Spokane markets. Oh, and some 5 for $5 ankle socks at Old Navy.
True story: I left ND with more than what I have now. Along the way, I was worried about the new camper weight and the sagging jam-packed van. While camping in MT, I actually unloaded everything and sorted out even more. I was near an Indian-reservation, which has a thrift store, and donated it to them. I thought about spinning a story for you about driving down the highway, listening to Steppenwolf and tossing the excess stuff out the window as I drive along….
Get your motor runnin’
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
I can see it…singing at the top of my lungs and tossing as I go.
Sans stuff and with my lovely Blue Moon, I have my retirement training wheels on now. This was not something I carefully planned, it unfolded, shall we say! But I like the vibe.
I like smoke and lightnin’
Heavy metal thunder
Racing in the wind
And the feeling that I’m under
Get your motor runnin’
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
Wow! Happy for you! We are seriously considering a tiny house! Looking forward to the day when we can say adios to the cows and our life as we know it now. A year or two….HAPPY TRAILS!
Still have working years ahead of me, but love making some steps towards my retirement dreams! Will see you sometime, CA is on my visit often list when that time comes.
Good for you Jane; take my word for it,you’ll love retirement.
It’s just training wheels….still have to work for a few years! Loving the flexibility, though, that the RV lifestyle brings.
You’re crazy….crazy cool!! Love the new rig…nice lay out! I’m sure those on the reservation were very thankful! And I’m sure glad you kept the sewing machine!!!!
Yes, the sewing machine works nicely on the dinette. When I want to eat or work on computer, I just slide the sewing machine to the other side of the table!
What a wonderful adventure.
What a wonderful adventure. Enjoy the road.
Thanks…having fun!
Wow! Downsizing, minimizing, whatever you want to call it, once you take the plunge, you feel so free and refreshed! I’m sure you will NEVER miss the stuff you parted with. Good for you!