I am learning the ways of Blue Moon– a camper twice the weight and height of Half Moon. That means camper blooper stories and lots of them. But first, I pulled into a Corps of Engineers (COE) campground near dark. I was so excited to find a wooded and gorgeous place right on Johnson Creek. I saw a spot right along the river bank with a clear view up and down the creek (creeks out here are more like a river). I maneuvered the best I could, jumped out, unhitched, set up, listened to the forest sounds and then fell asleep. When I awoke the next morning, I discovered that I was parked at the top of a boat ramp. Fortunately, I was blocking only one of the two ramps, and weekend boaters still had access. That did not stop several from loudly berating me for my poor planning. I decided the best approach with these guys was: mea culpa–guilty!
“Yes, what a silly thing to do. I came in at night and didn’t see the boat ramp”
” I know, what a stupid thing. I apologize for being a ding-bat”
“So sorry to cause any inconvenience”
My humble approach didn’t fool one guy. After my Betty Boop perky/flirty litany of apologies, one guy yelled at me ” Move it”.
“Sir, do you need access to the ramp?” His reply, “No”, just move it.” Zoom, off he went.
I didn’t move it because I am still learning the complicated hitch system (EA Z Lift for weight distribution and an anti-sway bar). By the time I finish, I am a greasy mess from head to toe.
Another blooper: I left the solar panel propped up against the camper overnight (vertical orientation). It blew over and the glass cracked. The panel still works but it sure looks beat up.
On the way back to Coeur D’Alene, I stopped at a Walmart for dog food–Tango is a patient dog, except when it comes to his food. However, I went into the camper first to use the potty and left a sink faucet ON. When I returned to the camper, water dripped slowly from several places. Yep, water overflowing in the bathroom and out into the bed area. A few books on the floor were soaked. Took awhile to clean that up but all is well.
Still, the trip was extraordinary, the scenery, magnificent. I was near Clark Fork, ID, a tiny town with a library, bar, grocery, gas station. The library was closed when I went into town, but I found WiFi in the bar.

Took a side trip up Lightning Creek, which was roaring from spring melt. The entire area was National Forest, as is most of Northern Idaho.
Now, in Coeur D’Alene. A friend has kindly and graciously allowed me to park in her driveway and hook up to her electricity. She has a dog and a fenced yard, where Tango can hang out. I am only 20-ish minutes from the daughter-in-law. Tonight I will visit her–with several loads of laundry in tow. Talk about role reversal!
I found bliss this morning in a local coffee shop. They serve coffee from a local roaster–smooth, full-bodied, wonderful. Free WiFi. I dressed nicely after living in grubbies for most of the past 4 weeks. Nothing fancy, just leggings; t-shirt; flowy, loose, print thingy top; and a necklace from DIL. Very in-the-moment casual. A worker in the coffee shop announced loudly, “You look like you are going to a luau”. I don’t think it was a compliment. Oh well. I think I look quite silvery, baby boomer chic. At least I am not wearing any of my camping gear!
Oh my!!!! Sure still captured some stunning sights of the area.