The time is 7:30 AM, and I “should” be on the road by now. However, I am stubbornly rebelling by sitting under the trees, drinking coffee, and reading/writing. Tango and I spent the last two days sitting in the van, driving in sweltering heat, pushing to cover 1300 miles. We face two more days of the same.
I enjoy being on the road, but only at a comfortable pace. I Pushing hard for a few days is okay, but I need to take a break and enjoy the scenery at this little RV park. A small lake sits about a stone’s throw from our campsite. Winding lanes provide great walking opps. I see some domestic sheep and chickens in a small petting zoo. Great soul food, and my soul is weary.
My creative mind kicks in. I need to cover a amount of miles today, but I have all day and into the evening to accomplish this. Why not relax now, do my stretching routine, recharge my batteries and drive later? Okay, it’s a deal. Tango agrees. Let’s chill this morning.

We are just east of Ames. Planning to take a back road to Cedar Rapids, then cut south to I-80. That will be so much more enjoyable than the Interstate driving I have been doing for 2 days.

After I get out of Iowa, the states are not so vast. It took a full day to cross South Dakota. Today I should make it through both IL and IN! Woo hooooooo