I slid through Mobile, AL around 1 PM. This was a good strategy–after morning commute, after lunch, before early evening commute. The disappointment came when I saw my campsite! It was slanted, narrow, and highly undesirable. I went back to the office and told the gal that I could never get level there and probably couldn’t back in, anyway. I also mentioned that I saw many level sites. Could I get one of those? Please? I asked super nice. Well, most of those sites are for 50 AMP rigs and are reserved. Now, I know that 50 AMP sites also have 30 AMP plugs. I asked her if I could have a 50 AMP site. Sure, she said, for $35 extra for the month. SOLD! I was ecstatic. The gal wrote down available sites and one was along the back perimeter, near trails to the beach and the bird sanctuary next door. The site was long and level, with a few trees. Perfect.
Turns out I am in the “snowbird” section. The front, noisy, cramped section where I was at first is for more transient folks. Well, heck. I belong back here with the old folks anyway.
All the snowbirds have dogs so our morning walk was a challenge. Growl, grrrrr, bark, as the dogs were trying to establish who is boss. One lady screamed at the owners of a dog who got loose and harassed her dog. It was quite a scene.
I have not explored yet–except the beach. I backed in with the help of a neighbor, then Tango and I immediately set off for the beach. I was surprised to see a few oil-drilling rigs offshore. I googled “map of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico” and had quite a wake-up call.

Each of those dots is at least one oil rig!!
Mama mia! On the plus side: rigs act as artificial reefs and are great fishing hotspots. I like the mult-use nature of this set-up.
Sitting now drinking coffee, and I look out my windows. Private, quiet, wonderful. Oops, guess who shows up on the tree? A squirrel stops about midway up the trunk and stares into my back window. He waits, stares, waits some more. He takes off, but is back 5 minutes later, staring at me. He seems to be saying, “Hey, where are my peanuts? The last people at this site were very generous with the peanuts. Got any birdseed? C’mon now, a guys got to make a living”. Bah humbug I tell him and he flees at least for now. I am certain I will see him often.
Looking forward to exploring the area later today. A bike path goes all over, so I will dig out the bike and get the tires pumped up. In the meantime, nothing much.
Sound like a fun area.
It is. So happy to find it. This island is not all developments, like the Florida coast. Great place to be for Christmas!!!! All the best to you and all your family.