I have not fallen into a vat of tequila or impaled myself on a barrel cactus. I have been wandering this past week, a bit further north in New Mexico to meet up with friends who came down from Colorado. Before I write about that, I have something hilarious to report.
I was back at the RV Ranch in Deming, and we had a special Saturday night dinner and dance. I met new RVers during the festivities. I will never forget one man in particular. He is the one who came up to me and said, “I mean this in the most positive way: you look like a younger version of Aunt Bee”. I quipped in return, “Yeah the round face, gray hair and cheery attitude” Ha ha ha ha. I pushed the horrifying thoughts about looking matronly into the back of my mind until I got home.
Remember Aunt Bee from the Andy Griffith Show and Mayberry RFD? She was so sweet, caring and MATRONLY.
Yes, I can see the similarities, especially our eyes and small mouths. I pull my hair straight back into a pony tail, so I have the same high forehead. But matronly? Never, or at least I hope not. In fact, before dinner tonight I dressed up a tad. Instead of shorts and t-shirt, I wore a long tunic and leggings. I added a beaded Indian necklace and flip-flops for spunk — an anything-but-matronly look. So much for trying.
With changes to the hair do and less chub, I could agree to being a younger version of the Aunt Bee in the following photo. I love button-down shirts and I imagine myself giving wise advice with the same chin wag.
I do not know much about the man who called me Aunt Bee, but I am amazed at his powers of observation.I see now that Aunt Bee looks a great deal like my grandmother, at least what I have seen in photos. Makes sense that, as I grow old, I will look like those two! I find it odd, however, looking at photos of an older me.
Sigh. People used to tell me I look like McKenzie Phillips and a few movie stars. Now, it’s Aunt Bee. It is not how I see myself, but she is a decent archetype. Beats Cruella DeVille.
Sweet elderly ladies unite!!!!

McKenzie Phillips. I never thought I looked like her, just the dark dark hair.
Click here for more information about the woman who played Aunt Bee.
Ooh Matron!
Ha ha
Stick with the long tunic and leggings, Jane. That sounds like a winning image! And you have obviously retained your sense of style—if lost mine recently, and can’t quite locate it!
Matronly is scary!