Did you read Dune, by Frank Herbert? I cannot tell you much about the plot details, but I still remember the vivid desert scenes and the global windstorms that hampered the heroes. I also remember that they rode on giant sand worms who could navigate through the blowing sand. Dune is the most famous science fiction book ever and is still in print.

Giant sand worm and a global sand storm in “Dune”, by Frank Herbert
I recalled the book recently as I wandered the New Mexico desert with friends. We wanted to explore a small town – Truth or Consequnces – and Elephant Butte State Park. We knew that the day would be windy, which is why we were just driving around. Then, bully hurricane-speed gusts shoved us around on the road, and the skies filled with sandy dust. Plowed fields along the Rio Grande created a mini dust bowl.When we pulled over at the edge of Elephant Butte reservoir, I tried to open the door to let Tango out. A fierce gust grabbed the truck door. I did not want to let go of the door but the wind prevented me from closing it. In a game of tug-of-war, I pulled and pulled that heavy truck door, finally pulling it shut again. Whew! That was close.
Back at our campsite in Percha Dam State Park, the wind covered everything we left outside with a fine clay-colored film. Worse, when I got back to the RV Ranch, I discovered that I left the bathroom ceiling fan open. I had intentionally left two windows open a crack, and that same clay/sand sifted inside through the screens, leaving a heavy layer of dust on everything: blankets, TV, table, floors, counter tops, chairs – everything everything.
In Wyoming I lived with high winds. Empty tractor trailers often blew over but dust did not blow in through the cracks and crevices of my home like this. The bottom line: I get to clean the rest of the day instead of sewing and playing, although I hear that the winds may return later today. I will have to close up the place tight and hope for the best.
Only Ravens–often a symbol of destruction and death– enjoyed the winds. We saw one playing around, trying to fly into the wind but rendered almost motionless by the force. The eerie black birds and the the desert windstorm made me wonder if that is our future on this planet? I am optimistic as a rule but was overcome with a dark image of destruction that day. Will this kind of science fiction become our reality and we neglect our planet?

A futuristic city on Planet Earth?