I have spent the last week in the cool, crisp, and charming Central Colorado Mountains. My friends live at 8000 feet but are surrounded by a string of 14,000 ft mountains. Daytime temps were in the 70s and nighttime temps in the 40s. Perfection.

Collegiate Peaks
The best part of the layover – staying with wonderful friends. They cooked delicious and nutritious meals for me, and we had ice-cream most evenings. Tango had Frosty Paws – dog ice cream. Now, we are both lazy and spoiled, but what a switch from attending to the parents for nearly 3 months. However, I was not the best guest. I had sewing projects to finish and was consumed with that most of the week. I left the usual trail of pins, thread, and fabric scraps. I don’t mind stepping around sewing detritus but that is not true of everyone! Then, throughout the frantic activity, I flopped around the house in my loud flip-flops. Alexa was not well-received so she stayed quiet in my room most of the time! Still, I reveled in their kindness and friendship.
One day, we hiked a small segment of the Colorado Trail. Walking through the high country brought back many memories of ponderosa pine, wild rose, and aspen-filled outings. The trail had a few uphill sections and I did better than I expected considering the elevation. My hiking pole helped me keep upright, too. Along the trail, I spotted juniper, kinnikinnick covered with red berries, and wild rose long past the blooming stage. I had a sense of “forest bathing”, and realized that I need an extended time in the forest, healing from the experience of caring for elderly parents who are declining rapidly. My mom is safe in a nursing home, but so unhappy.


Yesterday I packed up the van, which took most of the day. Exerting at high elevation left me exhausted. So, I alternated between sit-down tasks and packing. I asked my friend to help me shore up the clothes rod in the van, and she made a completely new one. In place of the sagging, old tension rod, she installed a conduit pipe rod that is set inside an opening in the van walls. Spoiled some more.
Tango and I awoke early this morning and drove to Denver. We took a winding route through the mountains that I have traveled many times before. My son and daughter-in-law’s baby shower is this afternoon, but first I had to drop Tango at a nearby doggie daycare. He was devastated that I left him someplace strange, but I know he is safe there.
The most amazing news: no later than Monday at noon I will pick-up Blue Moon, my camper/RV. I am only 669 miles from Livingston, MT where I stowed it just before Memorial Day. I have been dreaming for months about being reunited and it is now only days away. I am trying to push aside my fears about leaving it too long. Did mice or other rodents tear up the wires? Did water leak in? Did my new batteries go dead forever? Are the tires flat? No sense going crazy. I will deal with whatever I find.
I have an appointment with the dealer in Missoula, MT to check a few things, but could not get in until September 8. I pick up Blue Moon on Monday, Aug 28, which leaves me 10 days to hunker down somewhere and continue my forest bathing! I will be in the Montana Rockies, one of my favorite places, so I am beyond thrilled. I may just settle into one place until I feel emotionally at peace again. Then the dealer in Missoula, then Spokane area waiting for baby Silas to enter the world.
Wherever I hunker down, I probably won’t have cell/Internet service, but I will be writing every day.
Happy Early Labor Day!