Mount Spokane
Tango and I walked by one of our neighbors the other day. After hellos, and how are yous, we discussed the weather. “I sure love this fall weather here,” I spouted. “Fall! This is still summer,” was the reply.
Weather is so subjective. After a month in Deming (near 100 degrees some days), the 70 degree days here are fall-like to me! Furthermore, the nights are in the 40s. Apple harvest starts soon, stores sell mums ready to burst into bloom. This is fall in my book, and Tango and I are enjoying the perfect weather. Sometimes I feel a slight breeze, which brings with it a subtle pine scent. Washington, after all, is the Evergreen State.
We are also enjoying being in one place. I am feeling a domestic urge to cook and sew. The cooking part is fueled by the free garden produce at the RV park. The managers keep up a huge garden every year and we can pick whatever we want! I have had an abundance of corn, beets, cherry tomatoes, cukes, kale, and acorn squash. Even a few green beans still.
The best part of being here, however, is my G-baby, Silas. He turns one at the end of September and is nearly walking. He takes steps but is still hesitant. Yesterday, after church, I stopped by for a play date so that his mom could do some chores around the house. He seems to remember me from my August visit. Today (Labor Day) both of his parents are off work and I will go by again to play while they do stuff around the house.
About the church! I have not been in a UCC church since I retired. I attended church with my son and his wife when I visited here but, otherwise, have not been interested. I was severely burned out when I left the ministry. However, after 2.5 years, I feel ready to start church shopping. I will only be here for 2 months this time but will be back in the spring and stay until the fall, at least 6 months each year, maybe 7. That is long enough to find a church family. I started with an old congregation in downtown Spokane but was disappointed. Like at least half of our churches, it is dwindling. The energy level was so low during worship and the people hung out in their cliques during social hour. Not one person said hello to me. Next Sunday I will go with the G-baby and his parents to their church. After that, I may try another UCC church in the area.
Speaking of next Sunday, the Broncos play their first regular season game, against the Seattle Seahawks. This will be a fun regional rivalry. I already have a seat reserved in front of my son’s TV!
About my RV park. It is north of Spokane, in a rural zone that lies between the city and the rugged northern mountains. The city is stretching in this direction, evidenced by the traffic on the Highway, but it is still peaceful. The park is small but well kept, and I am along the back row, looking out onto a hay meadow that is bordered by tall pines. Beyond that, I can see Mt. Spokane. I have a picnic table, which I covered with a fall tablecloth, and some potted mums. It is quite homey! Tango is happy because a few cats stroll by and he can bark at them- show them who is boss around here.
So that is the rather domestic news from Spokane. I am enjoying family and a large dose of people, something I crave after traveling alone to mostly isolated places all summer.