One of the guys at the RV park finally cleared off the driveway, by hand! He used a metal rod to chip through the snow and then shoveled it off. It was a ton of work, and every time I see him I thank him profusely. I was able to get out! Other people in town have been out for days, but our road/driveway inside the park is private and, therefore, never plowed.

This is how my car looked after two days of snow totaling 2 feet

How it looked over a week later. I had dug out the car but the road out was blocked.

Just enough road cleared that I could get out! The sunshine was melting things fast, too!
Just in time! Today, I had my annual eye doctor appointment in nearby Port Townsend. It is about 25 miles from Sequim. After the appointment, I explored some other small seaside towns. Then, I had lunch back in Port Townsend at the Pizza Factory! After that, Tango and I came back towards Sequim and walked all around the marina, where I move the RV in 10 days.

Port Townsend is an historic old place and the plan right now is to settle there in the future! I already have doctors there.

Funky coffee shop in Port Townsend. My fave, with windows overlooking the water. The ferry terminal is just down the street.

Large marina in Port Townsend
While I was out, I felt so much gratitude. Not just about being out, but life in general! Being socked in and then being set free – somehow it made me feel so grateful about everything in my life! Happy to be here! Happy to be living exactly how I want! Happy about the things I have done and the places I have gone in the last 3 years! Happy about my G-baby. Happy that my son checked in with me often while I was snowed in. Happy about everything! Full of gratitude.
Memories of the Snowmageddon and subsequent isolation will linger, but life is looking good and spring should be here soon (?).

G-baby has his own truck now and wears Daddy’s hat when he drives it.