A storm came in from the Pacific and then over the Olympic Mountains. Even in ithe rain shadow, where I live, we were drenched. Last night, on and off, I awoke to rain, a special wet sound that is unique to this area; heavy and drenching if you can imagine a sound like that.
I love a good storm as long as it blows through relatively quickly, like today. The air is crisp and clear; the forest and waterfront scrubbed clean. At low tide, Tango and I take a longer than usual walk along the marina waterfront area, crossing the little park and then following a path to the rocky shoreline.

Bye storm! The back end of the storm front, heading NNE towards British Columbia. I think of that last bit of clouds as the storm’s caboose.
Tango loves to walk down here. A freshwater creek that starts up in the Olympics enters Sequim Bay near us:
Another freshwater creek enters at the other end, under the bridge:
Barnacles grow on everything:
Our beach on Sequim Bay, at low tide:
In the parking lot, we saw was a group of local Native Americans giving a talk about a boat they had brought in. A model of a boat their ancestors used? I didn’t nudge into the crowd to listen. Tango and I were set on the walking in the sand.
We are hoping that the weather warms up tomorrow. My next goal is to find the poems posted by the library system up in Olympic National Park on easy-to-access trails. You can read all about the creative program here!
NOLS refers to our stellar library system: North Olympic Library System