Dear Garden,
I am enjoying the vibrant June garden vibe. It seems that most things are germinating well. In fact, when I stroll around, I get the feeling that the first rapid growth spurt is about to begin. Its like watching a toddler turn into a five year old, then the child turning into an adolescent. With that in mind, I have been keeping things well-watered and throwing on a little fertilizer for those hungry babes.
This is the perfect bean planting time. They prefer drier, warmer soils. I just cut back watering by 50% now that seeds are up and also the night temperatures are finally in the 50s this week. My harvest will be later than other folks, but it doesn’t really matter. I just seem to have better luck this way. The bush beans and soy should do great I do not have much luck with pole beans. Each year I plant a few in a different place in the garden. I experiment with location, watering conditions and light. I have the same result every year with the pole beans: something chomps off the first two leaves, leaving a sad ugly stem protruding from the ground. And yes, that is what happened again this year. Poo.

bean seedlings 03053 (Photo credit: flora.cyclam)

ASTERACEAE 菊科 – Dinner-plate Dahlia “Mystery Day” (Dahlia x hybrida) 大麗菊 (Photo credit: kaiyanwong223)
The “scatter” planting in my hay bale planter really paid off. I now have lots of greens germinating there. I am getting HUNGRY for some fresh greens. And , Garden, are you elated over the emergence of the dinner plate dahlias? I look at that sprout and see in our future large, luscious, purple dahlias. I am also pleased with the new bee balm perennial…it is a sturdy plant that is already blooming; however it does need lots of moisture. The moss rose are taking off, growing strong lateral roots and blooming once already.
The problems are that early little bug that eats pin holes in the leaves (especially cabbage family). Also, something ate off my little tomato seedlings. No problem, I will plant cool season stuff in the empty spaces next month. I am not into fighting any kind of bug…they can have what they want and I learn a valuable lesson about what to plant or not plant next year. Where possible, I will save seed from the sturdier plants.
I am sure you share my joy over the fact that hail has not fallen on us. I can’t imagine how awful that sharp cold hail feels on your leaves. We are getting towards the end of the hail season so I am hopeful we are spared. Of course it can and does strike anytime, but the the main hail/thunderstorm season will be over soon. That is a mixed bag since the waning thunderstorms mean that the hot/dry season begins.

Golf ball sized hail (Photo credit: Gadget Virtuoso)
So, dearest garden, if you are happy with the progress I will just relax and enjoy the show while you bring in the harvest! I will assist by hoeing weeds and trellising things up the fences for you. Don’t forget to write soon!
The Garden Director and Chief Ale Consumer,