Cooked Yellow Corn on Cob (Photo credit: planetc1)
I picked about 2 dozen ears of corn this morning, and cooked up one for lunch. I may have waited a tad too long to harvest, but they are still good. I don’t know if I will freeze any, probably just give them away. A “late” corn that I planted may mature too, just depends on when the first frost arrives. It can be anytime in the next 30 days, with the average date September 22. Since the daytime temps today are in the 90s, i don’t expect an early frost!
I planted regular yellow corn, but my neighbor planted a white/yellow corn that is stupendous. I may try that next year. Being just one person, i really don’t need to plant more than one bed to corn (3 feet by 30 feet).
As I picked the corn, i found large Blue Hubbard nestled on the ground, between the corn stalks. They can get up to 30 pounds, so I will post pics when they are ready. Blue Hubbard are easy to grow, but make sure you have a saw on hand when it is time to cut into pieces. I cook up all of it and freeze what I don’t use right away.
Related articles
- Got Corn? Try Corn Gazpacho (cindysrecipesandwritings.com)
- Cucurbita maxima, and a Blue Hubbard Squash (sjdb112.wordpress.com)

Blue Hubbard Squash (Photo credit: Elizabeth Thomsen)