Every winter we experience a few episodes of extremely cold weather. The first is due on Thurdsay, when night time lows may reach 1 degree or less in Cheyenne. I don’t know why the people of Canada send us this arctic air since we are supposed to be such good neighors. Perhaps they just get tired of the cold and decide to send it south. The Town of Yellowknife–in the Northwest Territories of Canada–is now minus 18 degrees. But, hey, they chose to live there, and I am planning to send the Mayor a letter saying to keep their blankety blank cold air.

Entrance to the Wildcat Cafe in the Old Town of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
So what are some of the hardships I expect by the end of the week?
- Tango can only stay outside a few minutes or his paws freeze (he does not have any sled dog DNA)
- The electric blanket will be maxed out on “High”
- My skin will dry even more from constant furnace and fireplace blasts
- No walking, since I too will freeze up fairly fast
- Car may not start
If we were expecting a blizzard I would run to the store and get my traditional, blizzard-day roasted chicken from the deli. I need to figure out an extreme cold weather food treat – Chili? Mexican Food? Something healthy and maybe a slice of carrot cake? Roaming the aisles at the store will keep me busy for hours no doubt
I will send dispatches from the front in Wyoming as it all unfolds!

Looking towards downtown Yellowknife from Old Town (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: sled dog kennels Quebec winter 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Related articles
- Dog sledding when its -30 degrees (wanderingcows.wordpress.com)
wish I was in Florida with you!