A Northern Flicker (western version with red marks) visits the suet feeder now. With his red markings, which are not really noticeable in these shots taken from inside the house, he looks ready for Christmas. With that long beak, he pecks at the suet block, which is frozen solid this morning.Later in the day he will be back, after the sun warms it.
Even more exciting, my son heads up today for a week. Been cooking like crazy–pulled pork, ham and beans made with locally-grown pintos and local, organic beef. We MAY have good enough weather to camp at the end of the week. A camping trip with my son, which we loved when he was growing up, and a Northern Flicker. Best gifts ever!
Here is a better photo of a Northern Flicker:

Northern Flicker (Photo credit: Silviu Cucerzan)
Related articles
- The Northern Flicker (sierrajaynespeaks.wordpress.com)
- Northern Flicker (rachelleahdenny.wordpress.com)

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