Bernese Mountain Dog (Photo credit: StooMathiesen)
I am so excited to be in California. This morning we had to make a decision about what to do first. The choices were: attend a seminar on Argentinian Ants at UC Davis Entomology Department, sit around all morning drinking coffee while Dixie’s two Bernese Mountain dogs (huge) drool all over me, or go out for a big breakfast.

UC Davis Athletics logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The food option, of course, won out over ants and drool. We traveled to a small town with a fabulous cafe. The menu offered healthy, tasty, trendy options as one would expect in California: jalapeno mango sausage for example. I enjoyed the food, but also loved seeing so many nice looking men strolling around. One guy was on a skateboard, which was pulled by his dog. Ahhhh. California.
Fat and full, we headed back to Dixie’s house and around two PM my luggage arrived, unscathed but with a Down with Steelers sticker on one side and a Long Live Manning sticker on the other. I had my people talk to Elway’s people and I agreed to never again feel compassion for the Steelers, never ever. Elway’s people pulled strings and viola! My bag met up with me in California. Lesson learned (see Jane’s Jinx).
Ever the adventurous ones, Dixie and I then sat on her porch, soaking up the sun.Nights are cool here but the days are clear and sunny. We stared at her giant front yard tree, and Dixie couldn’t remember it’s name. It has a shaggy bark and drops hard “nuts” which are full of feathery seeds, somewhat like dandelion seeds. Since neither of us could come up with the real name, I smartly dubbed it the Dingleberry Tree. I should have stayed in my original horticulture career with that kind of brilliance for plant names.
Now all cleaned up and in fresh clothing, we will soon head out to a New Year’s party with Dixie’s friends. If they are anything like her, its going to be a crazy night!
Happy New Year, be safe!

Happy New Year (Photo credit: James Marvin Phelps)
Related articles
- The Bernese Mountain Dog (puppyloverss.wordpress.com)
- Happy New Year To All Of Steeler Nation (nicepickcowher.com)
- Jane’s Jinx (janesjournals.wordpress.com)