It is time to pick up Half Moon from the RV dealer, after the warranty work. However, this time I came all the way to Denver first (3 hours), to visit Kerry. I scooted down today because the driving weather will be worse tomorrow. That means two nights at his place.Tango and I are getting quite a Kerry fix and a big city fix. I figure that the 5 or 6 blocks around Kerry’s apartment have as many people as all of Wheatland (and more stoplights).
I passed right by the stadium where the Broncos play. I managed not to cry or even utter a whimper. I guess we have all moved on.
Tonight I made favorite dish number one: a green chili/posole type soup I have made for him since he was a a child. Tomorrow I make favorite dish number two: turkey and biscuits.
Also tonight, we watched a movie like always. When he was growing up we took turns: one week a chick flick, the next week an adventure film. Tonight I gave in without a fuss to Wolverine.
My plan while Kerry works tomorrow is to visit the Denver library and my favorite indie bookstore, after a stop at Starbucks. Hope to get some pics. Also planning to post pics of my woman cave projects soon.

Denver does not look green right now! It is snowy and bitter cold