My personal friends are curious about how I can leave one job without another “at our age”. I know that conventional wisdom says we should stay put and wait out retirement. Moving on is too risky. AT LEAST HAVE ANOTHER JOB, I hear. Here are some random thoughts.
1. Risk taking has nothing to do with age. In fact, shaking things up a bit might keep you more energized and challenged as you age. It might save you from landing on the irrelevance pile. Once you land there, life slows down and –yawn–naps seem to be the best part of the day. We need new challenges at any age to stay alive and alert. Do something crazy (like volunteer somewhere for a few weeks).

Which one are you??
2. I am in a profession that requires moving. The average time a minister stays in a church is 3.6 years or 4 years, depending on the study. I have been here double that time. I have done this so many times before and things have worked out just fine. I know that I will land on my feet. I know everything will be fine.
3. Murphy’s law will ensure a few monkey wrenches (like this monster cold/virus that I have) or unexpected financial burdens, but I will figure it out (in fact, I learned yesterday that my PT Cruiser needs a new head gasket, plugs, etc).
4. But, the day before, I had an offer to park my camper in a lovely spot in northern CA until I get a job and also an offer to house sit here for the winter (hmmmmm….Wheatland or CA, Wheatland or CA, Wheatland or CA)
5. The high school scheduled me for quite a few days in October, as a sub. Yes, it is good to have an income plan B
6. Today, I scheduled an interview weekend with a church (for preaching in person, meeting the congregation) for early October. That means I am one of two finalists there.
7. It really does help to be a person of faith—keeps me positive over time and lets me shed worry.
As I write, I am beginning to think that maybe it is not the work logistics that are so scary for people. Perhaps, it is the part about leaving a home, community, and familiarity. Finding a new place to live, new friends. I will continue this discussion….