Arriving in Wrangell

The Malaspina pulled into Wrangell around 1:45 AM. I had drifted off in the Reclining Lounge but the overhead announcement put me on notice about 30 minutes before arrival. Rustle, rustle, pack up everything. Wait. The approach was so quiet I was not sure we were even moving. Plan A for Wrangell was to stop…

Finally, The Alaska Marine Highway

Clearly, based on my last post, I am in Wrangell, AK; however, I want to share a summary of the ferry trip up here!  The boarding process dragged on for hours. First I had to leave the car in line and walk about ¼ mile to get boarding passes for the car, myself, and Tango.…

Summary, Week 4

The dominant theme this past week was getting ready to cross our border with Canada, crossing the border, then making the 900-mile drive to Prince Rupert. I am ready to get out of the car and onto the ferry! Worst travel discovery: I don’t have emergency road service in Canada Best travel discovery: I may…

Travel Through British Columbia

The drive has been gorgeous since crossing into Canada. At first, none of the vistas were better than those I see in the US Rockies! The Okanogan Valley reminded me of the St.Joe River area in Northern Idaho, while the North Thomson River Corridor was quite similar to the drive from Missoula over Lolo Pass…

Travel Mojo Holds Despite Setbacks

  I was thankful that I waited before heading further north. This time the road to Omak was lovely, and the numerous apple orchards all in bloom. A wildflower in the daisy family grew in clumps on the hillsides. Of course, within a few days I would be back to early spring and possibly snow…

Goodbye to Grand Coulee Friends

Sometimes I like to travel for days on end, enjoying the visual feast provided by new places. Other times I enjoy digging in and exploring as I have been doing in the Grand Coulee Dam area while I wait for warmer weather up north. The only problem with staying 12 days is that attachments form…

What’s Cooking at the Campsite?

While tent camping and cooking on a one-burner stove, I keep thing simple. Today is a classic: cereal and almond milk for breakfast and peanut butter on whole wheat bread for lunch. Later it will be my camping dinner classic: baby red potatoes boiled with diced celery then mixed with chopped walnuts and blue cheese…

Breaking My Internet Addiction

As I prepare to cross into BC by car and then float into Alaska by ferry I wonder, yet again, if I can really live with limited access to the Internet. Like most of us, I am an information highway addict. In my own way. I don’t stream much of anything, however, I do a…

Cleaning Day

A house of any size requires cleaning and maintenance, even my tiny RV. However, I did not leave it behind on this trip to get away from household chores. My current house, a large tent, also requires my time. Besides cleaning, bedding needs airing out and holes need repairing. Today turned into a cleaning day,…