Gifts from Deception Pass

Another month of camp hosting is nearly over. That means it is time to reflect on all the great gifts I received at Deception Pass State Park. But first, I will admit that I did not like it here when I first arrived. This is a huge park with hundreds of campgrounds. I was assigned…

Gifts from Penrose Point

My month at Penrose Point State Park is nearly over! I have enjoyed the experience immensely despite a few unruly people and some knocks on my door in the middle of the night by people with noise complaints. As I reflect, I realize that I have received many gifts here. That is always true when…

A Surprise Visit!

After my camp host chores and dinner dishes are done, I settle in to watch a movie or another episode of whatever I am binge-watching at the moment. Because I look out my large rear window when I am watching a movie, I can simultaneously watch goings-on in the campground. If someone walks up to…

Gifts from the Road – Sequim

This morning while Tango and I walked around the marina, I started thinking about all the wonderful bits of life I have found and experienced in Sequim. I also reflected on the many other gifts found in my travels. Life is amazing and I position myself to experience it fully. Why haven’t I made lists!?…

Another Self-Care Day

I went to bed early and got lots of sleep, but I still woke up feeling some of yesterday’s funk. The good news, I had my water aerobics class and knew that should really help. Sitting in the hot tub before and after was be icing on the cake. Then, I drove around, picking up…

Self-Care Time at the Beach

It’s been a tough week. The loss of Radio Mike still weighs on me, perhaps because people are still posting on his FB page! A female friend is posting evocative photos of herself taken by Radio Mike nearly 20 years ago. She calls herself Mikes “Muse”. Also, a nephew of his is posting photos and…

Losing a Friend

I lost an RVing friend yesterday. Actually, he was more of an acquaintance since I only interacted with him socially about half a dozen times at the most. However, in the nomadic community, every kindred spirit is automatically a friend, so I tend to think of him that way. I was not impressed when I…

Fur Boy

Tango is 11.5 years old! When we walk and explore, he seems like a much younger dog because he is spry and active. When you look closer, he is showing his age. I see a bit of cloudiness in his eyes and gray around his muzzle. I have been told that Aussies can live a very…

Quiet Winter

All is well on the Olympic Peninsula! Winter is still mild compared to the rest of Washington, and Tango and I have done some exploring. The Olympic Mountains to the south are snow-covered, so I am only exploring the coast at the moment. Most recently, we went van camping a bit further west, along the…

Embracing the Moment

October was such a tough month for me emotionally! All the old stuff inside that needed to come out welled up and exploded, like a volcano! I thought I had dealt with my issues long ago, but surprise! More stuff lurks there. The experience tells me that long-forgotten issues have many facets and precipitating life…