Jammies to Go

While in Florida for 3 months I had many reasons to dress each day, either in appropriate field clothes or something semi-professional for my ESL classroom days. On those days I even I combed my hair and wore clean shoes. Living now in Alabama island mode, I want nothing but the extreme comfort of jammies…

Her Grumpiness

While my surprise visit from a friend brought great joy, I am back to grumpy. The trigger: news stories about the Republican push to repeal the Affordable Care Act as a first priority. They say that Obamacare is bad, the medical care is poor, and the cost is too high. However, it is only insurance…

Simply Family

I want to write today about the joy of being so close to Kerry and Meghan. But first, for fun,I put the word “family” in my headline generator plug-in. I just love seeing the totally nonsensical options that occur after the generator plugs a term into a canned headline. Funny examples: 10 Startups That’ll Change…

Actress Judi Dench Gets a Tat

I have my online news readers set to alert me when juicy old lady news hits the net. My computer was smokin around the edges and nearly jumping off the table a few days ago, and I dropped everything to see WHAT?!? What’s up in old lady land? Did Madeleine Albright get a new brooch?…

How to Outsmart Your Peers in Retirement

How about a round of applause for the blog title! I used a fancy plugin called Headline Generator. All I do is type in the topic, and it generates endless headlines. These headlines are not especially creative and never involve word play or titles with subtle innuendo. They are all business, designed to draw in the…

Red Geraniums

Wandering around the garden department, thinking about the garden I won’t have this year because I do not have a yard! Then, my thoughts turn to all the gardens I have grown. Zucchini, potatoes, peppers. In recent years, flowers too. Dahlias, zinnia, hollyhocks.   I pause at the display of red geraniums. Memories flood in, including…