
I am so excited to be in California. This morning we had to make a decision about what to do first. The choices were: attend a seminar on Argentinian Ants at UC Davis Entomology Department, sit around all morning drinking coffee while Dixie’s two Bernese Mountain dogs (huge) drool all over me, or go out…

Jane’s Jinx

This was a beautiful night for flying: clear and calm. Nothing overly adventurous on the way to DIA from Wyoming. In fact, I was so excited about my trip that I passed right by 3 Starbucks. Usually when I enter Colorado that is my first stop but I was a woman on a mission today.…

New Year’s Resolutions

Years ago I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions, since most (all) of us break them within a week, anyway. To make people think I am all righteous and eager to improve my sorry self, I do make a list; however, the list contains only things I already do in my daily life. Therefore, I cannot fail!…


Christmas draws near, which means work is crazy busy. However, each day I check something else off the to do list. The last few days: Christmas baskets filled and delivered to our senior housing and home visits done! Sunday: children’s Christmas program. Tuesday: Christmas Eve. So what follows a busy Christmas season for a minister?…

Janesjournals “Person of the Year”

In the last ten minutes, I have given much thought to my Person of the Year. My first impulse is always Bono, an incredible man. I am only so-so about his music but I adore him as a person and spiritual wanderer. (I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For). However, he gets lots of accolades already…

2014 Minister Fashion

Most of my minister friends own and wear “clerics”–those stuffy minister shirts that have a white band peeping through at the neck. I do not, for various reasons. The most important reason: I have so many other fashion options, why wear boring clerics? Every year at about this time I scan the Minister Fashion Update…

Trash Talk

I walk my dog up and down the alleys in the summer so I can peer into backyard gardens. I see what other people grow and their clever trellis ideas. Does that make me a Peeping Tomato? I also pass by everyone’s rolling, grey trash bins. Sometimes I wonder what people throw away, although I…


A few weeks ago I upgraded my phone and extended my Verizon contract another two years. I do not love Verizon, but if you want phone service in this little hamlet, the choice is Verizon. The plan was to get another basic phone, but they enticed me with a free smart phone. Overall I love…

Carrot Cake Wednesday

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday: I ignored them all. The stubborn streak in me will not be manipulated by marketing wizards. That is not to say I don’t love buying despite my efforts to simplify. Food, however, is another matter. I dream about Pizza Hut and Wendy’s Chicken Pub sandwich after seeing commercials.…

Rain Down

If you live in a wet climate, you probably wish for less rain and humidity. If you live in a dry area, you long for the occasional rain. No one is ever completely happy with the climate where they live, although rain generally does not affect a person’s livelihood, only their comfort level. However, if…