An Immodest Moment

This moment is not immodest in terms of inappropriate clothing or the wind whipping up my skirt while walking down main street. The immodesty lies in the fact that I am going to pat myself on the back. I just learned that Janes Journals is now included on the 2015 Elderbloggers list. I read many…

Materialistic Moment

Lie: Doctor: How often do you exercise? JJ: I walk my dog every day. I ride my bike in the warmer months. I hike sometimes Doctor: How far do you walk? How long? JJ: uh, anywhere from a mile to two miles. Fifteen minutes to a half hour. Truth: I don’t know how far or…

Settling in with Sixty

In the months leading up to my 60th birthday (this past July), I was anxious and unsettled. I dreaded getting so old, and these feelings contributed to some big changes in my life. Now, 6 months later, and I am all settled in. I have much to look forward to with my son becoming engaged.…

At Our Age?

My personal friends are curious about how I can leave one job without another “at our age”. I know that conventional wisdom says we should stay put and wait out retirement. Moving on is too risky. AT LEAST HAVE ANOTHER JOB, I hear. Here are some random thoughts. 1. Risk taking has nothing to do…

Aging in a Small Town

I ate my first noon dinner at the senior center yesterday. Yummm–roast pork and all the sides. I got an apple to take home for later. I enjoyed the company of the other 5 people at my table immensely. I also enjoyed slowing down midday.  I have work appointments today and tomorrow at noon so…

An At-Risk Senior !?!

Apologies for the triplet posts yesterday. I was trying to file the two Amazon posts under Amazon Links and not “publish” them. As you probably noticed, the first, real post already had the Amazon information. I try not to make a big deal out of being an Amazon Affiliate, then this! Oh well. Onward to today:…

Time to Turn Over

At night I toss and turn. Even Tango gets tired of it and jumps off the bed for a more still corner. Then as I am starting to awaken, I turn over once more into a little ball and try to get a few more zzzzz. You probably care little about my sleeping habits, so take…

Aging Insights

I read two books that have me rethinking my approach to aging. Out of the Woods: A Memoir of Wayfinding, by Lynn Darling – recommend for aging single women and recent empty nesters (Kindle edition) Losing It: In Which an Aging Professor Laments His Shrinking Brain, by William Ian Miller – recommended for realists who just…

Late Winter or Early Spring?

The sun is shining today. Everyone is giddy because the official start of spring is about two weeks away. Daylight savings time starts Sunday. Of course snow will return several more times before spring arrives–seasons do not start on one day and end on another. Summer transitions to fall and winter transitions to spring; each…

Cure for Old and Crabby

Even the most optimistic aging baby boomer feels old and crabby sometimes. A looming winter storm, a late winter head cold, or achy muscles can make the day feel tedious. The response is to wish for time to pass, to get to tomorrow; however, that is not something an aging person should ever crave. We…