Autumn Afternoon Adventure says an arctic cold front moves in the next time I have some days off (M/T). Nighttime temps will be in the low 20s. Any migrating birds who are still lingering here will surely be gone by then. This week is still beautiful: classic late fall in Wyoming, with vivid blue skies and orange…

The Bird Show Begins

Over the last few weeks, a blue jay is feeding on my tall sunflowers. After last night’s deep freeze, the heads of the flowers bend over so much that the jay is having trouble getting at the seeds. I watch as he flits to the ground, jumps/flies up 8 feet, hits the downward-facing sunflower heads…

In Town, At Home

The days of camping whenever, wherever are over for now. Today the high will be 45 degrees; tonight we get snow showers. Just wet and cold. Snow camping beckons, but not until after a large snowfall, when the skies are cobalt blue, the humidity low, and the snow a fine powder. So what does a…

Young Gulls

I thought for sure I found a new-to-me bird. Turns out I was watching immature gulls of some kind. My books disagree on which gulls live in Wyoming; however, the pictures I found and the online website that lists Wyoming birds suggests they are immature Hermann Gulls. I was able to get good photos because…

October Camping – Two

Tango and I set out for a long walk along the shoreline. The water level is low like all the other reservoirs in the area: water goes downstream throughout the summer for irrigation, and the eagerly anticipated snow melt next spring will fill them again. Before we reach the beach, we see our first sign…

Windy Sunday Afternoon

It worked! I went to sleep in the camper Saturday night and woke up Sunday morning at 5 AM, leaving plenty of time to go home, clean up, and get to work at 9:30 AM The night was warm, requiring only one sleeping bag. When I awoke the world was still dark. I stared out…

Backyard Bird Restaurant

I decided not to camp over the Labor Day Holiday. This is a peak time to pickle and start fall garden chores, so I labored my way through the day. Next weekend (Mon-Tues) I will be out again with Half Moon for another adventure. I am trying to make my back yard a fall/winter bird…

Moose and Heated Mattress

On my way back from a workshop in Billings, MT, I camped up in the Bighorn Mountains, which are west of Sheridan, WY. This was my first time in that dramatic and most unusual mountain range, which features an interesting geologic past. I was about 6 hours north of Wheatland. What a great place to…

Hawk Springs Again!

Back from another two nights at Hawk Springs State Recreation Area.  Again, the mornings and evenings were cool and wonderful, while the afternoons were hot. A quick dip in the lake took care of that. The second time hitching, unhitching, popping up and popping down was easier than the first, as expected. The big difference…