Sunday Reflection: Is God Angry?

“The Earth is in distress and is calling to us, sending us signs of the extremity of its imbalance through earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and storms, drought, unprecedented heat. There are now indications that its ecosystem as a whole may even be approaching a “turning point” or “state shift” of irreversible change with unforeseeable consequences.” Llewellyn…


Once again, I find myself living on an imaginary line. In ND, I lived close to the 100th meridian, the infamous, imaginary line that designates the change from being in the eastern to being in the western half of the US. Now, I am practically living on the Idaho/Washington border, on the Idaho side. All…

Sunny Days and News on Clean Coal Plants

Vacation is almost over and the weather allowed only one night of van camping. I have tried to make lemonade from the sour little lemons thrown at me (weather, no popup). I worked on fun projects and cleaned the house. I also watched  two great movies: Saving Mr. Banks and Frozen. The next few days are…

Late Winter or Early Spring?

The sun is shining today. Everyone is giddy because the official start of spring is about two weeks away. Daylight savings time starts Sunday. Of course snow will return several more times before spring arrives–seasons do not start on one day and end on another. Summer transitions to fall and winter transitions to spring; each…

Minimalist Lifestyle and Gift-Giving

It has occurred to me that living a minimalist lifestyle should affect not only what I buy for myself, but the gifts that I give to others. If I am not buying unneeded junk, why would I want to give it to people I care about? Furthermore, I think it is really important that we try…