Trash Talk

I walk my dog up and down the alleys in the summer so I can peer into backyard gardens. I see what other people grow and their clever trellis ideas. Does that make me a Peeping Tomato? I also pass by everyone’s rolling, grey trash bins. Sometimes I wonder what people throw away, although I…


A few weeks ago I upgraded my phone and extended my Verizon contract another two years. I do not love Verizon, but if you want phone service in this little hamlet, the choice is Verizon. The plan was to get another basic phone, but they enticed me with a free smart phone. Overall I love…

No Fear

Yesterday, I decided to confront my fear of extremely low temperatures.  After all, I have an arctic parka, warm clothing, long underwear, warm boots, and wool socks.I have a case of hand warmers, heavy mittens and a windproof hat.  Surely I would not drop dead after 15 minutes outdoors! My motivation: people further north live…

Alternative to Black Friday

I continue to read and listen to John Muir’s books. Although he sometimes lingers too long describing rock formations or reciting scientific names of the wildlife and flowers, when he focuses on his adventures in the wilderness, especially his interactions with others, I am captivated. I also enjoy reading about his nature-based spirituality. Muir found…

Growing Old

Once before I resented getting older, in the midlife crises of middle age. This time, as I approach 60, the resentment is deeper, more substantial. Scores of irreversible changes are etched on my soul: the old home vacant , friends gone, body softened, Dad dead, dog graying. Truth also weighs me down. This is not…

Getting to Know You

Every now and then I go on a date.  However, there are no “first date” restaurants in Wheatland. It is okay to stay here for a second date, say, for a pizza and beer. On a third date, the local diner will do, especially on Mexican Monday. It is the selection of a first date…

Hitch Horrors

I had a premonition about this last night when I left Wheatland for Fort Collins. The plan was to drive the 130 miles, camp at one of my secret places nearby, get the van to U-Haul for the hitch installation at 9 AM today, then drive another 40 miles  south on I-25 to pick up…


Today is the first day of the eighth month on our calendar. I point out this obvious fact because August is one of my favorite months. Unlike February, when I am sick of winter and unlike May, when stray frosts thwart my garden plans, August arrives in a flourish of nature’s delights and local traditions. The…

Rain Down

If you live in a wet climate, you probably wish for less rain and humidity. If you live in a dry area, you long for the occasional rain. No one is ever completely happy with the climate where they live, although rain generally does not affect a person’s livelihood, only their comfort level. However, if…


Fireworks are booming and hissing above our usually quiet neighborhood. My dog, Tango, is shaking, shuddering, and panting in fear. Perhaps he imagines himself in the middle of a battlefield. The City firework display begins soon a few blocks away, which will light up the sky and send more shock waves of sound through the…