Paradise in the North Woods

 This weekend I discovered a nearly perfect small town that is surrounded by mountainous National Forest land, which is full of waterfalls, birds, large mammals, and endless trails that are beyond the range and interest of weekend hikers. Add a river, historic downtown, enough people to support several grocery stores and a movie theater, a super…

Osprey and Quail

I inadvertently found a park right on the Spokane River. It is only a few miles from me. I found it while walking on the Centennial Trail; a sign pointed right and said, Corbin Park. Tango and I took the turn and walked a mile, from the urban trail through an open brushy meadow and…


Once again, I find myself living on an imaginary line. In ND, I lived close to the 100th meridian, the infamous, imaginary line that designates the change from being in the eastern to being in the western half of the US. Now, I am practically living on the Idaho/Washington border, on the Idaho side. All…

Rain Redo

I asked for it! After my post extolling the not-so-rainy Idaho Panhandle, the skies have done nothing but weep: buckets and buckets of rain. Three days now, nearly nonstop. Right now. I see long powerful rain globules instead of soft, pretty raindrops that make me feel all gooey and cozy. The nearby mountains sleep under…

Soaking Sustenance

“It sure rains a lot in the Northwest”. “Don’t you know how rainy it is out there?” “Wonder what its like with all the moisture?”   When I told folks that I was moving to the great Northwest, those were the responses. Rain. Lots of it. Won’t that be awful? After all, I have lived…


So happy that Coeur d’Alene has an abbreviation – CdA. I saw it first in a newspaper article. Apparently others decided that typing that lowercase d followed by an apostrophe is a bit cumbersome. So CdA it is. CdA is a small city with 55,000 people, in the Idaho Panhandle. It is 15 miles from the…