Sunday Reflection: Kick-Starting Change

Remember Issac Newton and his apple from high school science class? In addition to his insights about gravity, Newton developed 3 laws of motion. His first law states:  an object at rest will remain at rest unless an external force acts upon it.That’s right, an object at rest will not move unless someone exerts force.…

Sunday Reflection: Traveling Tales

What do these novels have in common: Gulliver’s Travels, Odyssey, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Fellowship of the Ring (trilogy), The Chronicles of Narnia (trilogy), Don Quixote, Travels with Charley, Eat, Pray, Love, On the Road, Under the Tuscan Sun, Innocents Abroad, Call of the Wild? Well, each book is one of a million trillion books…


I follow a policy of keeping this blog separate from the blog where I post my sermons. Most of the time. I also know that many people are upset about the discriminatory law that almost passed in Arizona. Many are upset that this potential violation of human rights was done in the name of Christiantity.…