Tango Loves Tempeh

  We started the long trip to Spokane as planned. Just north of Idaho Falls,  at mile 1922 on the odometer, we drove into the Rocky Mountains for the first time on this trip. We have paralleled the mountains and driven over foothills, but this was our arrival in the mountains. As I knew we…


By returning to Spokane I completed the circle that I began last August–a long journey that changed me from the inside out. Or, maybe, it laid me bare by peeling off, from the outside in, the layers that accumulated over the decades. Maybe both. Either way, I am glad for it. The best part of…

On the Road!

I pulled out of Spokane right on time Sunday afternoon and headed east on I-90. I haven’t gone that direction in many moons. I don’t care where I am going, it is just awesome being on the road.  Right off, I had to cross two passes (4th of July pass and Lookout Pass). The section…